It’s Never Too Late to Pivot

mindset Mar 30, 2024

I got stuck this week.

Have you ever felt stuck?

You have this thing you’re trying to do, but then you get to a certain point where you’re scratching your head.

And no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to make it make sense.

I started this week off strong.

I scheduled a bunch of tweets and IG posts.

Then, I started my article for the week.

I got all of my ideas down on paper for the article in a braindump session, as I typically do to kick things off.

Usually, when I’m dumping everything I know about a topic, I kind of get a sense of the order of how I want to write it.

This comes first, then that, and finally the takeaway.

There’s a bit more that goes into my writing process than that, but generally, I have an outline in my head that I then write out and fill in.

This week, I had all of this stuff written down: personal stories, ideas, quotes, but when it came time to write the outline, I couldn’t quite make things flow as nicely as I would’ve like them to. I found that I was confusing myself by wanting shift things around each day I came back to it.

I was pretty annoyed. Typically, it comes naturally for me. The articles seen to write themselves.

This time, that was not the case. This week was a battle.

And no, what you’re reading right now was not the struggle I’m talking about.

This is the resolution.

I’m writing this because I had to pivot.

Sometimes, we try so hard to make something work in the moment when it actually needs some more time and thought put behind it.

So, I’m letting that one marinate for now.

Funny enough, once I decided to let it sit, I actually had the breakthrough for it. As I was writing this article this morning, I had the idea to split the other one into 2 separate articles, which I think makes the most sense.

This is all to say, it’s never too late to pivot.

We can get so stuck in our ways, and think we HAVE to do something by a certain time.

But if you find yourself getting frustrated that things aren’t going the way you expected them to, take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

A path may lead you somewhere you weren’t expecting.

An unintended destination.

Let it happen. Don’t resist.

Sometimes you have to get lost to find what it is you’re looking for.

The idea for this article, came to me because I took a step back from that other article.

And in the process I cracked the code for the other one as well.

Don’t wait, just act

We’re already 1 quarter of the year in.

3 months of 2024 are already done.

I bet there’s something you’ve been putting off to start this year.

Don’t let the fact that you said you’d do it at the start of the year deter you from doing it now.

What are you gonna do? Wait until next year to start?

The only way to know if it’s right or not is by doing it.

-Ryan Ward


For more on pivoting, read this: On Pivoting | Contentsation 007


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